Social Blogging is a fashionable impression developed due to the advances of weblogging, micro blogging, and social networking. These ever changing construction stand for the new way of correspondence for people who like to express their activities and share their common interests.
On Social Blogging, people inform each other about their activities by providing them with updates continually through Blog Posts. These Blog Post updates often include text, pictures, audio or video. Through several ways and forms of Social Blogging, messages could be transmitted to Social Blog Posts, including the web.
A new Australian Research has found that, Social Blogging could help you feel less isolated, more connected to a community and more satisfied with your friendships, both online and face-to-face. Plus they also found after two months of regular Social Blogging, people felt they had healthier social support and friendship networks than those who did not blog.
The small and tight networks of Social Blogging may be emotionally bonded but open connections which have weaker ties or social connections are more likely to introduce new ideas and opportunities to their members.
In actual fact Social Blogging is economical in the sense that it helps you understand the perceptions, attitude and approach of other persons towards life, be it business or anyone’s personal life. Social Blogging helps you get connected to a larger community and people worldwide through a single click of the internet. Basically, Social Blogging helps you get connected to others perceptions and feelings.
The advantages of Social Blogging:
1. Improving your emotional ties and bonds with other people, whilst being connected to them.
2. Opportunity for Sharing your thoughts and perceptions with a larger community.
3. Connecting yourself to those, whom you have never seen or heard in your life.
4. Do business by sharing your information about the particular concept.
5. Criticizing a concept or a product.
6. Understanding the things from others vision or perspective.
7. Opening your mind towards new ideas.
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